We know how to succeed in Europe. We will lead you through international E-shop expansion

We will lead you through the international expansion step by step
We will help you with marketing
We have an overview of trends in SEO, PPC and even display commercials. We know what marketing channels work the best in each given country. We will help you with setting up, evaluating and optimizing your campaign.
We will connect Retailys with campaign management through API, so that your data from marketing can be easily accessible from one place with other statistics.

We will give advice with deliveries and taxes
We know, which delivery services are the most widespread within Europe. Often, we know them personally, so we can easily negotiate an agreement and connect the E-shop immediately to their system.
We have an overview of legislative changes and automatically adjust VAT, including different rates for some categories of goods (eg lower VAT rate for book sales).

We know local market specifics
We will advise you about the most popular payment methods in given countries. In foreign countries, the Cash on delivery method is almost never used. PayPal is for example much more common in other countries than in the Czech Republic.
There is also a difference in delivery addresses. In Hungary, people have three names that are written in reversed order. In Greece, when you write the delivery address you must also add the floor number. In the United Kingdom, you fill in what country it is being delivered to.