
Capital city
Romanian lei
19 520 000

Facts and statistics

Romania is located on the Balkan Peninsula in the southeast of Europe. The country is a member of NATO and the EU. The Romanian economy can be characterized as a fast-growing, mixed economy and is the largest producer of electronics in Central and Eastern Europe. It is the seventh most populous country in the EU, and the capital Bucharest is the sixth largest city in the European Union. Romania’s main export partners are Germany, Italy and France, while the most important import partners are Germany, Italy and Hungary. In the following article, you will read about the demand for e-commerce in this country, the best-selling categories of goods on the Internet, and the specifics of the local online market.

Market growth
2,15 mld €
Online sales turnover
15 000
Number of e-shops
Population per e-shop
Tax rate
Internet usage rate

Use our know-how during your international expansion

Data and reports in one spot

Sales, web traffic, number of products still in inventory and other relevant information is easily accessible in our app. You can filter the data by time, country, product and other criteria. You can automatically generate various graphs or perhaps a geographic map of sales.

Automation will do your work for you.

We leave the routine work up to the algorithms. Retailys will watch the changes in VAT and exchange rates for you, and will prevent the customer from ordering products that are already sold out. By synchronizing your e-shops expanding to additional countries will be significantly faster and smoother.

Online marketplace and price comparing websites

In Czech we will connect your E-shop to the most widely used online marketplaces and price comparing websites such as, Zboží.cz, Heureka or MALL Marketplace. Abroad we will connect you into Amazon, Ebay, German Idealo, British PriceRunner, Polish Ceneo and other platforms.

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