Country Explorer
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Austria is located in Central Europe and is one of the top 20 most developed countries in the world. The large number of active e-shops is a testament to the great …
Market growth: 9 %
Sales turnover: 6 mld €
E-shops in the country: 11 000
Sales turnover: 6 mld €
E-shops in the country: 11 000
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Poland is located in Central Europe and is the largest economy in the region. Compared to other countries, there are a large number of e-shops with a diverse focus.
Market growth: 16 %
Sales turnover: 9,96 mld €
E-shops in the country: 24 000
Sales turnover: 9,96 mld €
E-shops in the country: 24 000
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Germany is a Central European country, which is divided into 16 federal states and directly borders with the Czech Republic. Germany is the most populous country in the European Union …
Market growth: 11 %
Sales turnover: 72 mld €
E-shops in the country: 170 000
Sales turnover: 72 mld €
E-shops in the country: 170 000
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Hungary is located close to the Czech Republic and it is not only due to its location, that some characteristics of these markets are similar. However, there is one fundamental …
Market growth: 12 %
Sales turnover: 2,2 mld €
E-shops in the country: 12 000
Sales turnover: 2,2 mld €
E-shops in the country: 12 000
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Switzerland is located in Western Europe. The country is a founding member of the European Free Trade Association, but is not a member of the European Union …
Market growth: 9 %
Sales turnover: 7 mld €
E-shops in the country: 10 000
Sales turnover: 7 mld €
E-shops in the country: 10 000
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Slovakia is a landlocked country located in Central Europe, which borders the Czech Republic, and therefore some characteristics of the online market will …
Market growth: 10 %
Sales turnover: 0,9 mld €
E-shops in the country: 10 000
Sales turnover: 0,9 mld €
E-shops in the country: 10 000
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Croatia is located on the border of Central and Southern Europe and is one of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia. Low competition in the field …
Market growth: 9,7 %
Sales turnover: 0,475 mld €
E-shops in the country: 5 000
Sales turnover: 0,475 mld €
E-shops in the country: 5 000
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Turkey is a country located in the Middle East and, to a lesser extent, in Southeast Europe. The state is dominated by areligion, which significantly influences traditions …
Market growth: 32 %
Sales turnover: 9,4 mld €
E-shops in the country: 40 000
Sales turnover: 9,4 mld €
E-shops in the country: 40 000
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Belgium (Kingdom of Belgium) is a country located in Western Europe. The country is part of an important Benelux unit and is one of the 6 founding countries …
Market growth: 9 %
Sales turnover: 5 mld €
E-shops in the country: 24 000
Sales turnover: 5 mld €
E-shops in the country: 24 000
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Slovenia is a European country that was part of Yugoslavia in the past. It is currently one of the most advanced post-socialist countries in Europe. The low number …
Market growth: 11 %
Sales turnover: 0,357 mld €
E-shops in the country: 1 500
Sales turnover: 0,357 mld €
E-shops in the country: 1 500
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (United Kingdom) – is an island nation off the northwest coast of continental Europe. The country has its …
Market growth: 8 %
Sales turnover: 75 mld €
E-shops in the country: 51 000
Sales turnover: 75 mld €
E-shops in the country: 51 000
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Italy is located in southern Europe on the Apennine Peninsula and belongs to the group of the richest and most developed countries in the world (G7).
Market growth: 15 %
Sales turnover: 16,1 mld €
E-shops in the country: 50 000
Sales turnover: 16,1 mld €
E-shops in the country: 50 000
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Spain (Kingdom of Spain) is located on the Iberian Peninsula. The country is a member of NATO, the European Union and other organizations. The specificity …
Market growth: 14 %
Sales turnover: 18,2 mld €
E-shops in the country: 85 000
Sales turnover: 18,2 mld €
E-shops in the country: 85 000
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France is located in Western Europe. It is the fourth most populous country in Europe. The French economy is the sixth largest in the world. France is one …
Market growth: 10 %
Sales turnover: 41 mld €
E-shops in the country: 120 000
Sales turnover: 41 mld €
E-shops in the country: 120 000
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Romania is located on the Balkan Peninsula in the southeast of Europe. The country is a member of NATO and the EU. The Romanian economy can be characterized …
Market growth: 17 %
Sales turnover: 2,15 mld €
E-shops in the country: 15 000
Sales turnover: 2,15 mld €
E-shops in the country: 15 000
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Greece is located in southern Europe in the south of the Balkan Peninsula, which is located both on the European mainland and on numerous islands …
Market growth: 16 %
Sales turnover: 2,67 mld €
E-shops in the country: 7 000
Sales turnover: 2,67 mld €
E-shops in the country: 7 000
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The Netherlands is located in northwestern Europe on the North Sea coast. It is characterized by a high quality of life and is one of the richest countries in the world.
Market growth: 10 %
Sales turnover: 14 mld €
E-shops in the country: 80 000
Sales turnover: 14 mld €
E-shops in the country: 80 000
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Portugal is located in the southwestern tip of Europe, in the western part of the Iberian Peninsula. At present, it is agriculturally and industrially developed with …
Market growth: 12 %
Sales turnover: 2,9 mld €
E-shops in the country: 20 000
Sales turnover: 2,9 mld €
E-shops in the country: 20 000
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Bulgaria is located in southeastern Europe on the Balkan Peninsula. The country’s economy is one of the least mature and one of the weakest in the EU. Tourism is …
Market growth: 19 %
Sales turnover: 0,6 mld €
E-shops in the country: 4 500
Sales turnover: 0,6 mld €
E-shops in the country: 4 500
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Southern Ireland
Southern Ireland is located in northwestern Europe. The country is a member of the EU and the UN, a founding member of the OECD and the Council of Europe, …
Market growth: 16 %
Sales turnover: 2,7 mld €
E-shops in the country: 10 000
Sales turnover: 2,7 mld €
E-shops in the country: 10 000
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The Republic of Belarus (Belarus) is located in Eastern Europe. The country is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Independent States and has a strong …
Market growth: 18 %
Sales turnover: 0,55 mld €
E-shops in the country: 15 000
Sales turnover: 0,55 mld €
E-shops in the country: 15 000
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